17 Apr

     The humanistic psychology movement was in response to the deepening of the psyche of Sigmund Freud's psychoanalytic theory and also the behavioral model introduced by B. F. Skinner's behaviorism. The pursuit to explain human behavior progressed into an individuals' instinctual drive towards self-actualization, which is largely the study of human motivation in an effort to determine what compels us to reach our human potential. 

     Humanistic psychology gives no mention of where the creativity originated from. It conflicts with the moral absolutes of a holy God in that it does not believe that humanity has a sin nature but rather all people are inherently good. The human frailty and failing that we all experience is scapegoated by environmental circumstances or a lack thereof encountered by the individual. We are merely reduced to a victim or a victor depending on how you were raised. It adheres to the philosophical underpinning of human potential through creativity and free will. This philosophy encourages an individual to focus on self rather than God.  

     In most Bible believing circles a "whole person" is equated to being less than the sum of our parts which emphasizes dependency on God first and then interdependency or a mutual reliance among His people. Conversely, humanistic psychology declares that individuals are of greater importance than society as a whole. Humanistic psychology only serves to perpetuate the true agenda of the adversary. Just as Christ longs for your love and fellowship, the adversary has a desperate desire for your selfishness and pride which leads to your ruin. 

     This precept for existence encourages self-exploration rather than studying and applying Gods truth. As a result of this philosophy there has been a preoccupation with self that only provides disillusionment and distortion of reality. Ultimately this philosophy prepares the person to accept a false premise for existence. The vacuum of our destructive nature and human psyche perpetuates the agenda of the adversary. The preoccupation with self leads an individual to the aspiration of rising to a higher state of being thus becoming a god.  

     Throughout the history of mankind pride has always rose to the surface and we attempt to take Gods place. Along the way we create morally relative rationalizations to justify our selfish and sinful behavior. This unrectified state of sin begets more sin and we begin to lose faith in the one who created us to begin with. The love of power, money, and prestige ultimately results in idolatry rather than the love of God. This is the new cultural norm  and a restoration of our moral values is the only way out of this bondage we have created.

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